《Stuffed Fables》
Day 1
10:00AM Dice Forge - Libellud
11:00AM Oh Captain! - Ludonaute
12:00AM Exploding Kittens Big Feline Cards
13:00PM When I Dream - Repos Productions
14:00PM Exploding Kittens Tournament
15:00PM Majesty: To Forge a Realm - Z-Man Games
16:00PM Let's Play! T.I.M.E Stories
17:00PM - Tea & Talk - Eric Lang
18:00PM - A Game of Thrones Catan - Fantasy Flight Games
Day 2
10:00AM - Legend of the Five Rings - Fantasy Flight Games
11:00AM - Nomads - Ludonaute
12:00AM - Exploding Kittens Big Feline Cards
13:00PM - Fallout - Fantasy Flight Games
14:00PM - Pandemic Survival - Last Chance Qualifier - Z-Man Games
16:00PM - Let's Play! Concept
17:00PM - Tea & Talk - Matt Leacock and Rob Daviau (Creators of Pandemic)
18:00PM - Gaia Project - Z-Man Games
Day 3
10:00AM: Cities of Splendor - Space Cowboys
11:00AM: Mysterium Secrets & Lies - Libellud
12:00AM: Exploding Kittens Big Feline Cards
13:00PM: OTYS - Libellud & Pearl Games
14:00PM: Pandemic Survival German National Final - Z-Man Games
16:00PM: Let's Play! Unlock - Space Cowboys
17:00PM: Tea & Talk - Andrew Navarro
18:00PM: Crossfire - Plaidhat Games
18:30PM: Stuffed Fables - Plaidhat Games
Day 4
10:00AM - Ticket to Ride: France & Old West - Days of Wonder
11:00AM - Ticket to Ride with Max - Days of Wonder
11:30AM - Ticket to Ride: First Journey - Days of Wonder
12:00AM - Exploding Kittens Big Feline Cards
13:00PM - Dobble - Asmodee
13:20PM - Cortex 2 (Braintopia) - Captain Macaque
13:40PM - NMBR9 - Z-Man Games
14:00PM - Codenames Duel - Czech Games Editions
14:30PM - Catch the Moon - Bombyx
14:50PM - Storyline - Asmodee
15:10PM - Abalone - Asmodee
15:30PM - Contrast - Pink Monkey Games
16:00PM - Let's Play! Dixit
17:00PM - Tea & Talk - Final Thoughts